Nicholas loved music all his life, and all varieties of music, he knew every word to many songs and loved everythng
from Elvis to Rap music. Now the Rap music was the hardest for me to listen to as Nick and I would listen to music
together all the time. So 99% of the time I would tell him to please change the Rap music station to something
else...and he would most of the time...but I can remember Nick saying to me "Mom why don't you like rap music." and
I'd respond back because it bores me and its pretty bad his response was always "well mom you
just listen to music because you like the sounds but your not really listening to the words and you have to start
doing that, the music becomes so much more meaningful" so he was right and now I make sure to listen to every
word to every song I listen to and all the songs chosen for Nick's websight has been chosen carefully in honor
of Nick and all those who love and miss him each day. Thank you Nick for teaching Mom such a wonderful gift in this
life<3 I love you more than you know always and forever.....Mom