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dee,aunt kat,&bella a poem for our nick.. August 17, 2013
The day you died all our lives were shattered..but in all our grief i hope you know how much your life mattered...we had you only for awhile,and one thing we miss most is your had a heart of gold, and forever your story will be always had so much love to give, forever in our hearts you will always still doesn't seem real but they say in time we will heal...we loved you so much we can still feel your thing we know is true, not a day goes by we dont miss you...we know you are at peace and rest now, and we will try to make it through somehow...we will make sure your legacy lives on every day, cause we know you would want it that way....even though our hearts have a big hole, we know you will forever live in our the best person we ever knew we hope you know how hard it was to say goodbye, when god gave you wings to fly.... Our sweet nicky we loved you yesterday, we loved you today, we will love you forever.....                                                                           
Dcastellano89 Morning Surprise August 16, 2013
So happy to see u in my dream last night. And THANK YOU FOR LEAVING THESE FOR WHEN I WOKE, to remind me I really did see you last night Was real. Xo!
dee with us August 13, 2013
No matter where we go.what we are always walking besides us.leaving us signs showing us you will live inside our hearts and souls forever....everyday you are missed so deeply by so left us with beautiful memories...and with your strong spirit you are allowing us to continue making memories....we love you so deeply nick please continue to guide us and look out for us ....thanks for the cross in the sky i knew you were with us when we saw it.....
dee and yet more signs August 6, 2013
Today when i walked into work i just happened to look down on the floor and there was a cross... it actually was paper but it was on the floor in the shape of a cross....i was like o my gosh everytime i think about u nick you show me a are amazing and again thank you always...
dee signs August 5, 2013
Today at work i was thinking about you i always do...and i had to put up all these label holders 389 to be exact and i just happened to look down at one in my hand and the label said nick on it.... i just know it was you nick and you were showing me that you were with me as i was thinking of you always and forever
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