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Prentice, all his boys, & your friends created this beautiful garden in your honor. I have been told it will grow
vetables to feed all the homeless in the area. I have been told it has already been producing beautifully,
and I have been told the men wanted desperately to work the ground and plant the flowers for their brother
Nick......I know Nick you are happy and proud, because that is what you were sent here for....I also know
the type of human being you were, one who would gladly die to help the thousands you have saved so far
.......when God asked you if you would be a part of his plan and difficult mission in life you stepped up
to the plate bravely and without hesitation. This I know because I knew you BEST, this I know because it
is what I feel in my heart and nor will I ever allow anyone to know any differently. Our family has seen so many
beautiful things happening and we too have shared in so many wonderful things to help others, especially
Jude, I know you are so very proud of him. The things we have been truly blessed with is a knowing of what
is the truth and importance of life, our beautiful family and friends who have been there and continue to be
there for us no matter what, and to know that this life is only a breath, we will be together again, but until
that day comes, continue your mission and continue to walk with us always. With all our Love Forever and
A Day!!!!!
Here is the beautiful Garden in Nick's name>3