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Bella's Visions of Nick
Dee April 23, 2013
Bellas beautiful godfather
Thank you aunt lily for saying the beautiful things about bella. When bella was born i knew right away i was gonna ask nick to be her godfather, i love nick so much and always thought he was the best person i ever knew he had such a beautiful heart, a beautiful smile, a beautiful soul i always said you can never find another kid like nick. I was so happy when he said of course i'll be bellas godfather because i knew he would always love her and protect her even though he is gone the most wonderful thing is he is still doing all that from heaven! I can only hope that bella has nicks heart cause there was nothing like it on earth.Im so grateful for bella and so happy nick comes to her cause it does help in so many ways. Bella was born for a reason and i believe now it was so nick could live through her. Thank you uncle bobby and aunt lily for raising nick to be a beautiful person and thank you nick for being part of our souls forever we will always love and treasure you we will never forget you! You are our precious angel.
Aunt Lily April 23, 2013
A beautiful child
image Bella is a very beautiful child inside and out, she is nick's godchild and she has a truly amazing personality and gift.  We are very blessed to have bella come into our lives....because of her gifts and love for Nick our family has been spiritually lifted, blessed and comforted.  Through Bella our family has become stronger and more beatiful in the midst of a horrific tragedy in losing Nick.  Thank you bella for your love of your NICK and for your family.  Loving you always, Aunt Lily

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